Links to some of K1PU's favorite places
To learn more about Amateur (Ham) Radio
Visit the ARRL Web Site
American Radio Relay League
The National Association for Amateur Radio
Middlesex Amateur Radio Society
My local Ham Club
Meriden Amateur Radio Club
My “other” local club
and host of the Castle Craig 10-10 Chapter
Ten-Ten International Net
Get active on 10 meters!
Lots of fun, contests, awards and just plain friendly crowd
Castle Craig Chapter
Ten-Ten International Net
Connecticut's Local 10-10 Chapter
Information on local 10-10
activities and awards
Ham Radio in Space!
Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation
If your getting to be an "OLD F&%T" like me, and licensed before 1989
Check out the QCWA National Web Site
Nutmeg (Connecticut) Chapter 149 Web Site
Help keep these resources going and mention you saw the link at
Some real nice Logging software that I use in the Windows environment.
Ham Radio Programs from Scott, N3FJP
N3FJP's Amateur Radio Software
QSL Cards
My QSL card made by Sue WA6SUE at
Cheap QSL Cards
Fair prices and easy to work with for custom cards